JNTU-HYDERABAD : Important information on Seating Arrangements, Collection of Hall Tickets, Exam Centers, Tips for Upcoming B.Tech - B.Pharmacy Examinations May 2015 - June 2015

JNTU-HYDERABAD : Important information on Seating Arrangements, Collection of Hall Tickets, Exam Centers, Tips for Upcoming B.Tech - B.Pharmacy Examinations May 2015 - June 2015

NOTE : All the Information stated below is just to help students to get an idea regarding different queries from students. EngineersHub do not guarantee any of the below stated and we request all the students to confirm things from your college examination branch before proceed.

FOR R13 BATCH ONLY 2-2 Examinations Only (For R09 3-2 and 4-2 Scroll Down)

Question Paper Pattern :

  • Question paper with 4 sets will be issued.
  • Question Paper Consists of 2 Sections, Section A consists of 25 Marks with 10 Questions and all the questions shall be answered AND Section B consists of 50 marks with 10 Questions, 2 Questions from Each Unit and one question from each unit shall be answered i.e 5 questions from respective five units shall be answered.

Collection of hall tickets:

Contact your College Examination Branch before 1 week of Semester Examinations for Examination Center
  • Students can collect their hall tickets from the exam centers where they are going to write their exams (Check the hall ticket for principal signature of the exam center where you are going to write your exam).
  • Students are advised to collect their hall tickets by showing college ID cards at least 1 day before the commencement of examination.

Instructions :

1. Reach examination center at least 1 hour before and examination hall 30 minutes before the commencement of examination. Students will not be allowed after 10:00 AM for FN session and 2:00 PM for AN session.
2. You must bring Hall ticket  College ID card, Calculator and other items required for examination. Do not carry unnecessary material to the examination center/Hall i.e., cellphones, loose papers and etc.
3. B.Tech / B.Pharmacy students are directed to note that,
a) Student specific OMR answer booklets with ‘32’ pages will be issued for each examination.
b) No additional Booklets/papers will be given.
c) Students are advised to handle carefully the OMR sheet of answer booklet.

Malpractice Rules & Punishments :

Click here for Rules & Punishments

Seating Arrangements :

  1. Three or more number of different branches of students are to be accommodated in each room. (More than three number of branches is advisable)
  2. Each bench/desk should be accommodated with only one student
  3. The branches may be grouped in to three catogiries i.e. GROUP – I ( CSE, IT and other computer related branches), GROUP – II (ECE, EEE and other electronics related branches) and GROUP – III (ME,AE,CE and other remaining branches) and arrange them group wise students alternately.
  4. Ensure that there should not be same branch student in all sides (i.e. in front, back side and both left and right sides).  It means diagonally may be acceptable.

Tips for scoring Maximum Marks & Getting Pass Marks :

  • First thing you need to do is having half a inch margin on right side with pencil - neatly
  • First Answer you write should be correct and perfect, Try to write First Answer from Section B Perfectly first in the begining or if you feel you know all the 10 answers from section A, then go a head with Section A first - Mandatory
  • Numbering should be Correct and visible clearly
  • End Each and Every Answer with two Lines - Should be marked with scale and Pencil
  • Try to Maintain Same hand writing from beginning to ending- IF possible :p
  • Here Comes the big one - What ever it might be YOU need to attempt all the 10 questions from Section A and all the five questions from Section B - Very Very Very Mandatory
  • Unknown Questions/Answers also should be attempted with the most related matter for respective questions but you need to attempt all the 10 questions from Section A and all the five questions from Section B compulsory. - Mandatory
  • Here Comes another big point - Use the Formula compulsory - Number of Pages for 1st Answer = 2nd Answer = 3rd Answer = 4th Answer = 5th Answer (APPROX)(FOR SECTION B ONLY)  Very Very Very Mandatory
  • 22-27 Pages shall be written by end of the exam
Following the above points , Mainly 6th,7th,8th,9th & 10th Points will give enough marks who struggle to get pass marks and will give maximum marks for toppers - No matter of Fail following above Points - These are the suggestions given from EngineersHub Team to help students but EngineersHub is not responsible for any kind of loss occurred and EngineersHub do not guarantee or assure any marks to be secured and the data provided above is accurate .

FOR R09 BATCH ONLY - 3-2 and 4-2 Examinations Only

Question Paper Pattern :

  • Only single question paper set will be issued.
  • Question Paper Consists of 8 Questions in which student must answer 5 Questions

Collection of hall tickets:

Contact your College Examination Branch before 1 week of Semester Examinations for Examination Center
  • Students can collect their hall tickets from the exam centers where they are going to write their exams (Check the hall ticket for principal signature of the exam center where you are going to write your exam).
  • Students are advised to collect their hall tickets by showing college ID cards at least 1 day before the commencement of examination.

Instructions :

1. Reach examination center at least 1 hour before and examination hall 30 minutes before the commencement of examination. Students will not be allowed after 10:00 AM for FN session and 2:00 PM for AN session.
2. You must bring Hall ticket  College ID card, Calculator and other items required for examination. Do not carry unnecessary material to the examination center/Hall i.e., cellphones, loose papers and etc.
3. B.Tech / B.Pharmacy students are directed to note that,
a) Student specific OMR answer booklets with ‘32’ pages will be issued for each examination.
b) No additional Booklets/papers will be given.
c) Students are advised to handle carefully the OMR sheet of answer booklet.

Malpractice Rules & Punishments :

Click here for Rules & Punishments

Seating Arrangements :

  1. Three or more number of different branches of students are to be accommodated in each room. (More than three number of branches is advisable)
  2. Each bench/desk should be accommodated with only one student
  3. The branches may be grouped in to three catogiries i.e. GROUP – I ( CSE, IT and other computer related branches), GROUP – II (ECE, EEE and other electronics related branches) and GROUP – III (ME,AE,CE and other remaining branches) and arrange them group wise students alternately.
  4. Ensure that there should not be same branch student in all sides (i.e. in front, back side and both left and right sides).  It means diagonally may be acceptable.

Tips for scoring Maximum Marks & Getting Pass Marks :

  • First thing you need to do is having half a inch margin on right side with pencil - neatly
  • First Answer you write should be correct and perfect -Mandatory
  • Numbering should be Correct and visible clearly
  • End Each and Every Answer with two Lines - Should be marked with scale and Pencil
  • Try to Maintain Same hand writing from beginning to ending- IF possible :p
  • Here Comes the big one - What ever it might be YOU need to attempt all the five questions - Very Very Very Mandatory
  • Unknown Questions/Answers also should be attempted with the most related matter for respective questions but you need to attempt five questions compulsory. - Mandatory
  • Here Comes another big point - Use the Formula compulsory - Number of Pages for 1st Answer = 2nd Answer = 3rd Answer = 4th Answer = 5th Answer (APPROX)  Very Very Very Mandatory
  • 22-27 Pages Minimum must be written and 30 pages Maximum by end of the exam
Following the above points , Mainly 6th,7th,8th,9th & 10th Points will give enough marks who struggle to get pass marks and will give maximum marks for toppers - No matter of Fail following above Points. These are the suggestions given from EngineersHub Team to help students but EngineersHub is not responsible for any kind of loss occurred and EngineersHub do not guarantee or assure any marks to be secured and the data provided above is accurate .

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